Member Press Release

Trent Dickey, Vice President at Schuckman Realty/TCN Worldwide Named a “2018 Ones to Watch” by NYREJ

Name: Trent Dickey

Title: Vice President – NYC Landlord Representation

Address: 1983 Marcus Avenue Suite 102, Lake Success, NY 11402

Company: Schuckman Realty Inc.

Year that you entered your current field? 2008

How do you motivate or inspire your colleagues?

Establishing a positive culture of open communication, accountability and teamwork is key. With hard work and by continuously striving to support and keep my team in sync, motivation will naturally follow. When you spend time together celebrating successes and working through challenges, I find you learn to lean on each other’s strengths while building up your own. I expect performance, but believe that positive reinforcement is crucial. At Schuckman, we strive to create an environment where we work, train and play together as a team.

 so that everyone feels we are in this together and are all stronger from it.

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